= Me to You =

~Friday, April 25, 2003
New Blogging System
25.04.04 9:24 am
Hey guys ! I just added a blogging system here. Yeah.. Again, this whole thing is powered by blogger. I have sent invitations to most of the people .So those whom i have missed out, please just email me okay? Yahz... You guys can just blog there... Oh yahz.. to allow others to view your posts, please click on "Post&Publish" button.. This will publish your posts to the website... And yahz, because i am using ftp program to link the blogger & the website.. So, soemtimes they might pop out a box asking u for the ftp username & passwords.. the username is tjc3201 .. the password is temasek.. so yahz.. you guys just have to enter these and everything will be fine! So come on! Let's talk!!


~ posted by tjc at 9:34 AM
~Tuesday, April 15, 2003
New Server!!!!
15.04.04 12:13 pm
Hmm.. Have you noticed it? This page is powered by Blogger now!!! Yeah.. i don't have to edit the html coding anymore.. Just have to go to the main page and just type in my msg and it will be automatically updated. Why is this possible? Because this web host allows ftp service. That's why i can use Blogger to update this part. Wah.. i spent the whole morning trying to get it right. The coding was a headache. But from now on, i don't have to worry about it anymore. Yeah!!!!
Yahz, It has been nearly two weeks since i start this website. So far the response hasn't been very good. Probably because of the forum.. Yahz.. anyone interested in helping me to keep this site active? Yahz, if you are, just email me for more details. You could be the next one leaving your msgs here. Yahz..
The war is ending soon.. which is a good thing... at least we don't see massive casualities.. yahz.. But i do feel sorry for those whose family members contracted SARS or worst, even died because of it. So i hope that this thing will slowly die down, and less ppl will contract this type of deadly disease. Well, i'm really tired now, after trying to figure out all these. Till the next time, take care.

"We are who we allow ourselves to be."

~ posted by tjc at 12:24 PM
Some people are just too digusting!
ARGH!! I'm hopping mad now. I wonder why are some people just so digusting and freaky!! What is so great about getting into a JC? What is so great about being good in english? It's not even PROVEN YET!! Why laugh at those who are weaker in English? This society is divded by this system. I'm so pissed. Isn't this society supposed to be democratic society where we can speak our minds? Why accuse me of the dozen things that i never meant when i voice out my opinions? Yah.. Some ppl thinks that they get some praise from their teachers and they are really that good.. Laugh at other ppl.. I really don't understand.. What's wrong with poly students wanting a break? The JC students are getting it too.. And the poly students are just around the same age as them.. so what's wrong with them thinking of having a break? And why laugh at the petition? Clearly the student is weaker in english but does that mean that you can humiliate them for that?? Haiz.. Some ppl just like to say how much they care for their friends.. how much they understand them.. how mature they are .. but underneath these crap, it is just empty. You do not need to speak out your maturity if you are really mature because you would think that this is childish. And if you really do care for your friends, you would put yourself into their situation and analyze their reactions according. And if you are really mature, you will not whine about not getting into the jc you desire when people with lower scores got in. Of course, i ain't saying that i'm mature but people like this pisses me off. If you ever come across such a person, please tell them to get out and shut up. Don't try to be all smart and mature when they are not.. I do not like pro-war ppl, and ppl who are pro-war but yet insist that they are not pro-US is contridicting. * Humpf * I'm not making any sense here because i'm ANGRY!


~ posted by tjc at 10:13 AM
Almost Completed!
30.03.03 11:12 pm

Ah! 2 more days to the launch. I have almost completed the website. Well, i have fears launching this website. Don't ask me what it is but i just feel so. Anyway, since so many ppl look forward to this website, there is nothing i can do except to launch it. Hmm.. yahz, i read an article about "Children of war and suffering" in straits times. I do feel very sad for those children who grwo up in war times. Imagine the fear you have everyday when you hear a plane flying over you in the sky. Imagine how much you would resent those invaders, and how happy you would be to see them die. A child of ten odd years who is filled with hatred is indeed a very sad thing. They can't afford to be innocent, because harsh reality is forcing down on them. And they have to take up guns to fight those ppl because they are ordered to. Whereas for us, we throw tempers at our parents just because they don't allow us to do what we want. Isn't now the time where we should reconsider our attitude towards them? Our parents may show favouritism, but how many more years do we have with them? 10 or 20 ? Life is so unexpected. How do we know what will happen tomorrow? Will we be here tomorrow? If not, Would we have any regrets towards our parents? They have given up half their life to care for us, but sometimes we might do things that hurt them alot. Isn't now the time to make changes? Yahz.. i think for me, even though i might be disappointed time to time with what my parents do, i still believe that i owe them this. So i will continue to fufill my duty as a daughter, hoping that one day things will change.


~ posted by tjc at 10:12 AM
26.03.03 8:26 pm

Strangely, i haven't been noticing Singapore news lately. I was so preoccupied with the Iraq war that i got a big shock today when i read the news about those ppl who have died because of SARS. And the funniest thing is that, everyone has been telling me not to go to crowded places. How can i not go since i'm working in Orchard Road? I wonder wonder... Oh yahz.. i received a call today from someone who told me to take care. I do feel touched by ppl's concern for me. And i joked that i'm one of the disease carrier. Naturally, i got scolded!!! hehe.. Too bad i am being cheeky today. When i joke with my brother about that, he said something like "I'm just afraid that you will pass it on to me!!" What kind of brother is he? Well, anyway, i'm used to it. Haha.. Well, things have progress well for the past few days. The site will be officially opened on 1st April 2003. APRIL FOOL!!!! Haha.. I'm a little nutty today. Well, let's go back to the Iraq war. Hmm... it's really sad to see so many people dying on the battlefield. Yahz, i do feel so sad for their families. We will be seeing more casualities but i guess no one really bother about it since everyone is so preoccupied with the SARS now. The earth is dying. So many diseases and wars. Haiz...Hmm... I shall stop here. I will continue my messages some time later.

Earth, Hang on there!!!!!! (^_^)

~ posted by tjc at 10:11 AM
New Pictures for Message section!!!!!
23.03.03 7:42 am
Well, the previous picture is a little too ugly, so i replaced it with the new one. Looks a little more heartwarming to me. Hmm, there is nothing much to say except for the fact that Iraq war has begun. It is sad to hear that so many people has died or injuried in just 3 days. I can't imagine myself living in Iraq. What will happen if i see my family dead because of US massive bombing? How would i react??? Definitely i will hate them to the core. I just don't understand why is this war necessary, and why at this time since the world is already in chaos. There was once i read a book named "bible code 2" and it was predicting that the end of days will come in 2006, and bush will be the one who start a war in middle east. This is highly possible because the middle east is chaotic now. Haiz.. Maybe before we can grow up, we are already dead. ANyway, this is quite negative isn't it? So just hope that everything will be fine and bush will wake up to his senses and stop all these aggresive actions. Long Live Earth!!!!!!


~ posted by tjc at 10:10 AM
New Revamp!
19.03.03 10:03 am
Well, actually i completed this website within days. BUT.... I found that i didn't like the layout because it looks weird and nerdy to me. So i re-adjust a little here and there, hoping it will be nicer than before. Well, Somehow whenever i do the class website, it looks pain to me. Probably because i couldn't include alot of different pictures, unlike when i do fansites. Well, for more news updates, please refer to the main page. I think you can find anything you need there. Hmm, till today, there are only 2 ppl who responded to my mail. Probably the rest are either too busy or ignore the mails. Never mind, as long as there are ppl who looks forward to this website, i will continue to do it. March is ending soon, one quarter of the year has past. Who knows what might happen in the next quarter of the year? Maybe good things might come by, maybe not. Oh yahz, for the music room, it will still be under construction. So, wait eagerly for it please!!! I shall not write too much. Mail me if you have any enquires!!!


~ posted by tjc at 10:09 AM
Why is there a new site?
16.03.03 6:46 pm
Many people have been asking me why they can't access to the forum, nor the previous website. Well, the truth is that i have closed, for what reason i shall not say. And also, alot of people have been telling me that this website brings all our classmates close together. Eg, HuiHui wrote in the card saying that my greatest contribution in my life is probably setting up that forum. Oops! Did i say something wrong? *grinz* I hope that you guys will continue to keep in touch with each other even though we may be far apart. So, i decided to reopen TJc 3201 Webby to provide a place for us to keep in close contact. Hehe.. Okayz, for the picture above, you will notice that amid the cute cartoons, there is a woman dress in black behind. That's my lover!!!!! Utada Hikaru. I included her because i dunno why too! Just feel like it. Well, as we step into the next phase of life, i hope that we can still keep in contact. Whenever you lose direction in your life, look back here. We will help to find you yourself again.
Till the launch of this website, i will write again. Have fun everyone and May God Bless you!


~ posted by tjc at 10:08 AM

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